Received: 18-04-2017
Accepted: 26-08-2017
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A Survey on Estrogen and Progesterone Levels in Pyometra-infected Female Dogs at Ninh Kieu District, Can Tho City
Bitch, estrogen, progesterone, pyometra
The research was conducted on 42 female dogs/bitches infected with pyometra. The results showed that the symptom appearing as abdominal enlargementwas (66.6%), followed by vaginal discharge (57.1%), fever (47.6%), poor feed ingestion (42.8%), polyuria (38.1%), and polydipsia (28.6%). The estrogen and progesterone levels in the diseased bitches were 12.47 ±8.95 pg/ml and 1.98 ±1.18 ng/ml,respectively. Thebitches in the anestrus had estrogen concentrations at 7.96 ±2.75 pg/ml and progesterone at 0.90 ±0.29 ng/mlwhereas thebitches at 8 - 10 week after parturition had estrogen and progesterone levels in average of 7.58 ±2.48 pg/ml and 1.10 ±0.54 ng/ml, respectively. Imported bitches often had pyometra higher infection (54.8%) than domestic bitches (45.2%). Bitches that have experienced a contraceptive injection (61.9%) had a higher infectionrate than those without contraception (38.1%). The rate of pyometra increased with age and bitches which had never given parturition had the highest infection rate,accountingfor 59.5%.
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