Received: 12-08-2016
Accepted: 01-02-2018
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Factors Affecting MarketParticipation of Ho Chicken Farming Households in Thuan Thanh District, Bac Ninh Province
Ho chicken, market participation, Tobit model
The study was conducted to analyze the level of market participation of Ho chicken farming households in Thuan Thanh district, Bac Ninh province. Censored regression model (Tobit model) was used to evaluate the factors affecting market participationlevelof 68 Ho chicken farminghouseholds. Results indicatedthat the subsistencehouseholds accounted for thehighest involvement percentage with 39.7%,followed by commercial households and transitionhouseholds with 35.3% and 25%,respectively. Experience of household head, family labor, farm size, Ho chickenherd sizeand households’ accesstoextension service hada positive influence on the level of market participation of the households whilethe age of household head and percentage of average annual non- farm income showeda negative influence on the level of market participation of the households.
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