Circular Agriculture Policies in Vietnam

Received: 27-03-2024

Accepted: 21-06-2024








How to Cite:

LanPhuong, M., & Hien, N. (2024). Circular Agriculture Policies in Vietnam. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 22(7), 906–915.

Circular Agriculture Policies in Vietnam

Mai LanPhuong (*) 1 , Nguyen Thi Minh Hien 1

  • 1 Khoa Kinh tế và Phát triển nông thôn, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • Keywords

    Agriculture, circular agriculture, policy


    Developing circular agriculture is an inevitable trend in the context that agricultural sector is facing with numerous challenges. However, the system of policies related to circular agriculture in Vietnam is still incomplete and dispersed across various documents. The guidance and standards for circular agriculture are not clearly defined, making implementation difficult. This paper employs a Narrative literature review method and in-depth interviews with central management officials, local management officials, and economic organizations in 11 provinces representing different ecological regions. The objective of the paper is to synthesize and analyze Vietnam's policy documents related to circular agriculture based on evaluations from stakeholders. Proposed solutions include improving the legal framework and standardizing circular agriculture, formulating policies to support and encourage investment in circular agriculture; disseminating and enhancing awarenessmong management officials and production facilities about circular agriculture policies.


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