Received: 30-06-2023
Accepted: 04-08-2023
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Development of Hi-Tech AgriculturalZonesin Bac Giang Province
Agricultural development, hi-tech agricultural zones, horticulture, Bac Giang
The present article was based on data andinformation collected from officialreports, in-depth interviews with localofficials, and field surveys of production units to assess the current situation of thedevelopmentofhi-tech agricultural zones in Bac Giang province. The research results show that there were 14 hi-tech cultivation zones that have been established and developed as planned, focusing on: vegetables, flowers, tea, lychee, citrus,and mushrooms. Various hightechnologies have been put into application such as breeding new plant varieties and crop management practices with automatic equipment. Consumption linkages within zoneswere also established and developed. However, technical infrastructure for hi-tech agricultural production has not been synchronously invested from production to harvesting, preliminary processing, preservation and product consumption,lack of core technologies, especially information technology, automation technology, and biotechnology; andpotential risks. Therefore, the local government should have stronger support policies for the development of the province's hi-tech agriculturalzones in the coming time.
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