Received: 10-05-2023
Accepted: 29-06-2023
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Effect Of Ingredients On Quality Of Soy Yogurt With Pumkin And Orange Jam Addition
Soy yogurt, lactic acid fermentation, pumpkin, orange jam, health promoting foods
This work aimed to study the effect of ingredients including soybean, pumpkin, and orange jam on quality of soy yogurt. Soy yogurt was analyzed for its nutritional quality and bioactive compounds using instrumental methods and sensory evaluation was performed by the ranking method for various sensorial aspects including texture, color, flavor, and overall quality. The results showed that the most suitable ingredients for soy yogurt production were soybean (cv. DT84), pumpkin ‘Sap’, and 15% orange jam. The resulting soy yogurt had carbohydrate and protein contents equivalent to those in animal-based yogurt, while also containing bioactive compounds with high antioxidant capacity beneficial to human health.
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