Satisfaction withTBR225 Rice Variety ofFarm Households in Hanoi City

Received: 16-02-2022

Accepted: 18-04-2023








How to Cite:

Loan, C., & Chau, T. (2024). Satisfaction withTBR225 Rice Variety ofFarm Households in Hanoi City. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 21(5), 627–637.

Satisfaction withTBR225 Rice Variety ofFarm Households in Hanoi City

Chu Thi Kim Loan (*) 1 , Tran Minh Chau 2

  • 1 Khoa Kế toán và Quản trị kinh doanh, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • 2 Côngty Cổ Phần Tập Đoàn ThaiBinh Seed
  • Keywords

    Satisfaction, TBR225 rice variety, farm households, Hanoicity


    Theobjective of the paper was to analyze the satisfaction level of farmhouseholds in Hanoi citywith TBR225 rice variety. Theprimary data were collected from a survey of 300 farmhouseholds in 2022. Thestudy imployed analytical methodsof descriptive statistics, T-test and ANOVA. The surveyresultsshowsthat the satisfaction of thesurveyed farmers with TBR225varietywas veryhigh (4.34/5 points). Many factors contributingto the general satisfaction of thefarmers wereassessed at highscoresof 3.41-4.24,especially the indicators of thevariety quality. Some indicators had average scores thatshould be improved suchasdegradability orreuse of thepackages (3.01), thepromotional programs (3.12), and stability of theprice(2.88). The test shows that there wassignificantdifference in the average satisfaction scoresbetween groups of thefarmhouseholds. Specifically, the group of farmers in Thanh Oaidistrict,the households with more than two-thirds of the rice cultivated area under TBR225 variety, or adopting TBR225 variety cultivationfrom two to three crops, had a higher average score than the remaininggroup.


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