Recommendations to Strengthen the Role of Cooperatives in the Rice Supply Chain in An Giang Province

Received: 28-10-2022

Accepted: 18-04-2023








How to Cite:

Thanh, N. (2024). Recommendations to Strengthen the Role of Cooperatives in the Rice Supply Chain in An Giang Province. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 21(5), 617–626.

Recommendations to Strengthen the Role of Cooperatives in the Rice Supply Chain in An Giang Province

Nguyen Van Thanh (*) 1

  • 1 Đại học Văn Hiến
  • Keywords

    An Giang, cooperatives, rice farmers, rice supply chain


    This study used statistical methods to analyze overall data collected from published sources to focus on analyzing the position of cooperatives in the rice supply chain in An Giang province. The author also proposed recommendations to increase the role of cooperatives in the rice supply chain. Research results show that at present, cooperatives do not play an important role in the supply chain of inputs and outputs of the rice industry in An Giang province. However, members in cooperatives achieve higher economic returns and receive more support than farmers who have not yet joined the cooperative. Based on the research results, the author proposes recommendations to strengthen the role of cooperatives in the rice supply chain. These include increasing support for cooperatives in production and business development, building cooperative relationships between cooperatives and supply chain partners as well as promoting publicity, communication and education on the benefits of cooperatives for farming households.


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