In vitroPropagation of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis

Received: 07-12-2022

Accepted: 07-03-2023








How to Cite:

Le, D., Hoa, B., Uyen, N., Hang, D., Phip, N., Truong, N., … Son, D. (2024). In vitroPropagation of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 21(2), 226–236.

In vitroPropagation of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis

Dinh Thi Thu Le (*) 1 , Bui Thi Hai Hoa 1 , NguyenThi My Uyen 2 , Doan Thi Thuy Hang 2 , Ninh Thi Phip 3 , Nguyen Xuan Truong 4 , Pham Van Cuong 5 , Dinh Truong Son 4, 2

  • 1 Viện Công nghệ sinh học và Công nghệ thực phẩm, Trường Đại học Mở Hà Nội
  • 2 Khoa Công nghệ sinh học, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • 3 Khoa Nông học, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • 4 Viện Sinh học Nông nghiệp, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • 5 Phòng Đào tạo - Quản lý khoa học, Trường Đại học Hoa Lư
  • Keywords

    Gardenia jasminoides Ellis, in vitropropagation


    Gardenia (Gardenia jasminoidesEllis) is not only valuable as a food but also a medicinal plant used in the treatment of illnesses including jaundice, headaches, fever, inflammation, hepatic disorders, and hypertension.The current study aimed to establish an efficient protocol for in vitropropagationof Gardenia jasminoidesEllis with high multiplication rate and healthy plants. The pre-mature Gardenia fruits were the most suitable plant parts for initiation of in vitroculture. Seeds sterilized using 0.5% Presept solution for 10 minutes gave the highest sterilization (94.67%) and germination rate (90.59%). MS medium supplemented with 1.5 mg/lbenzyladenine gave multiplication rate of 7.29 shoots/explant. MS medium supplemented with 30-40 g/l sucrose and 150ml of coconut water/l gave vigorous growth of microshoots and good shoot quality. MS medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/l IBA or half-strength of MS medium recorded100% rooting rate, normal root morphology, and well growing plants.


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