Received: 23-02-2022
Accepted: 05-07-2022
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Salt Tolerance of Rice Varieties at the Germination and Seedling Stages
Germination, rice, salt tolerance, seedling stage
The study was conducted to evaluate salinity tolerance of four rice varieties, OM5451, IR29, OM18 and MTL316 at germination and seedling stages in four NaCl salinity concentrations of 0, 2, 4 and 6‰. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design with three replications in the net house. Irrigation with 4-6‰ salinity solutions (EC = 7.4-10.1mS/cm) reduced germination rate and growth characteristics of four rice varieties at the germination and seedling stages, respectively. The shoot and root fresh weight of salt-treatment derived young seedlings and seedlings of OM5451 reduced less than the other three rice varieties as compared to the control (untreated seedlings). Na+content was accumulated mainly in the shoots. The results indicated that OM5451 had higher salt tolerance than other three rice varieties at both germination and seedling stages.
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