Received: 26-01-2016 / Accepted: 06-06-2016
The objectives of this study were to find the optimalsperm dilutionandgentamycin concentration forWaigieu seaperch,Psammoperca waigiensis,chilled sperm preservation throughout the spawning season. The semen werediluted at 1:1, 1:3, 1:5 and1:7 in artificial seminal plasma. Gentamycin was added at concentration of 100, 200 and300 ppm. Semen dilution at1:3and addition of 200ppm gentamycin with sperm collected at the beginning spawning season and the middle spawning season and dilution ratio of 1:5 with300ppm gentamycin with sepermcollected at end spawning seasonyielded highest sperm motility.