Received: 16-03-2021
Accepted: 09-12-2021
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Impact of New Rural Development Implementation on Operation Quality Improvement of the Irrigation System in Kien Xuong District, Thai Binh Province
Irrigation system, operation quality, new rural development, Kien Xuong district, Thai Binh province
This studyhas assessed the changing current status and the improvement of the operation quality of the irrigation system during the implementation of new rural development , thereby proposing solutions to improve the operational efficiency of the irrigation system. This has contributed to promoting the development of agricultural production in Kien Xuong district, Thai Binh province. The analysis of the changing current status and the operation quality of the irrigation system were based on the collection of secondary data sources from the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Kien Xuong district and Irrigation Works Exploitation Enterprise, and primary data collected from the farmer households survey in the district. During the period of new rural development (2010-2020), 100% of the electric pumping stations, 452 in-field dam culverts and 34 dike sluices were upgraded and renovated and 180.01 km of canals were lined. The irrigation system proactively provided water for 100% of the agricultural production area with 13,045 hectares and ensured sufficient conditions to meet the people's living requirements and the regulations on natural disaster prevention and control in place.
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