Received: 22-10-2020
Accepted: 11-12-2020
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Factors Affecting Residential Land Prices in Vinh City, Nghe An Province
Factor, impact, residential land price, urbanization, Vinh
The study aimed to determine the impact of these factors on residential land prices in Vinh City and to propose some recommendations when determining residential land prices. Secondary data were collected from functional departments in Vinh city. The primary data were collected through surveys of 181 people related to the establishment and appraisal of residential land prices. The data were analyzed through Cronbach's Alpha coefficients, exploratory factor analysis and linear regression models by software SPSS 20.0 and Amos 24.0. There were 28 factors belonging to 9 groups of factors included in the regression model that had an impact on residential land prices with the impact rate from 4.43% to 17.23%, respectively. When determining residential land prices, it is necessary to pay attention to the impact of the groups of factors on residential land prices such as the relationship between supply and demand of land use rights; plot location; rate of urbanization and urbanization speed in the present and the future etc., to determine the appropriate price of residential land in each stage of the urbanization process and harmonize the interests of the State and land users and organizations related to land use rights in Vinh city, Nghe An province.
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