Analysis of Factors Affecting the Students’s Learning Motivationof the Faculty of Accounting and Bussiness Management, Vietnam National University of Agriculture

Received: 09-07-2020

Accepted: 09-09-2020








How to Cite:

Huyen, T., Anh, H., & Mai, N. (2024). Analysis of Factors Affecting the Students’s Learning Motivationof the Faculty of Accounting and Bussiness Management, Vietnam National University of Agriculture. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 19(1), 129–139.

Analysis of Factors Affecting the Students’s Learning Motivationof the Faculty of Accounting and Bussiness Management, Vietnam National University of Agriculture

Tran Thi Thanh Huyen (*) 1 , Hoang Thi Mai Anh 1 , Nguyen Ngoc Mai 1

  • 1 Khoa Kế toán và Quản trị kinh doanh, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • Keywords

    Motivation, learning, students


    The purpose of this research was analysing the factors affecting the students’s learning motivation of the Faculty of Accounting and Bussiness Management, Vietnam National University of Agriculture. This study surveyed 190 students with Cronbach's alpha method, Exploratory Factor Analysis, regression analysis. Results showed that the factors affecting the students's learning motivation were students theselves, friends and societies, and others. Then this research proposed some solutions to promote student’s learning motivation.


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