Received: 29-05-2013
Accepted: 16-09-2013
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Effect of Biochar and Foliar Fertilizer on Growth and Yield of Tomato Grown on Sandy Soil
Biochar, foliar fertilizer, tomato
The study was conducted in net house to investigate the interactive effects of sandy soil amendment with biochar and foliar fertilizer on growth and yield of tomato. The experiment arranged in a Completely Randomized Design- CRD included three biochar levels (amendment 1%, 3% or unamended) and four kinds of foliar fertilizer with three replications were used. The result showed that biochar had significant effect on plant hight and leaves of tomato whereas foliar fertilizer did not affect on those of tomato. The interaction of biochar and foliar fertilizer increased significantly the number of fruits, individual fruit weight and yield of tomato grown on sandy soil. The individual yield of tomato was climbed by biochar amendment and supplement foliar fertilizer from 23.6% to 39.8% and from 43.0% to 66.8% respectively.
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