An Algorithm to Find the Attibute Reduction by Using Discernibility Matrix

Received: 25-04-2013

Accepted: 20-09-2013








How to Cite:

An Algorithm to Find the Attibute Reduction by Using Discernibility Matrix. (2024). Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 11(5), 729–734.

An Algorithm to Find the Attibute Reduction by Using Discernibility Matrix


Information systems, discernibility matrix, attribute reduction


The information systems help users backup and process information. However, some reasons of apdating backup information having redundant attributes make it difficult for exploring knowledge. Thus, the attribute reductions are essential requirements for mining knowledge. There exist several types of attribute reduction and decision rules that have been proposed in data mining. The present paper described a heuristic algorithm to find the reduction on decision table based on the discernibility matrix.


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