Determinants of Households’ Participation in ForestManagement, Protection and Development in Tra Vinh Province

Received: 12-10-2018

Accepted: 09-03-2019








How to Cite:

Tung, D., & Nhan, P. (2024). Determinants of Households’ Participation in ForestManagement, Protection and Development in Tra Vinh Province. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 16(12), 1112–1119.

Determinants of Households’ Participation in ForestManagement, Protection and Development in Tra Vinh Province

Diep Thanh Tung (*) 1 , Phan Thi Thanh Nhan 2

  • 1 Trường đại học Trà Vinh
  • 2 Hạt Kiểm lâm liên huyện Duyên Hải, thị xã Duyên Hải, tỉnh Trà Vinh
  • Keywords

    Level of participation, multiple regression model, forest management


    The objective of the study was to assess the factors affecting the level of households’participation in forest management, protection and developmentand topropose policy implications forforestmanagement, protection and development in Tra Vinh province. The data used in the study were collected from a questionnaire survey with a total of 191 householdsand analyzed usingthe multiple regression model (OLS) to determine the factors influencing the levelof households’participation forest management, protection and development. Results showedthat positivefactors influencing households’participation wereawareness, income from forest and non-timber forest products, distance from forest to the Commune People's Committee (or commune market), creditaccess, duration of forest protection contract, female household headand ownership of land use right certificate.On the other hand,three variables with negative relationship with the level of households’ participation includedexperiencein aquaculture production,forest management by the contract and income from fishery exploitationin the forest.


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