The Affect of Nitrogen Concentrations Applied and Plant Density onSome Physiological, Yield Trait of Waxy Maize HUA518

Received: 02-03-2016

Accepted: 28-07-2016








How to Cite:

Loan, D., Hanh, V., Ha, N., Ha, T., Thuy, H., & Liet, V. (2024). The Affect of Nitrogen Concentrations Applied and Plant Density onSome Physiological, Yield Trait of Waxy Maize HUA518. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 14(6), 833–842.

The Affect of Nitrogen Concentrations Applied and Plant Density onSome Physiological, Yield Trait of Waxy Maize HUA518

Duong Thi Loan (*) 1 , Vu Thi Bich Hanh 1 , Nguyen Van Ha 1 , Tran Thi Thanh Ha 1 , Hoang Thi Thuy 1 , Vu Van Liet 1

  • 1 Viện Nghiên cứu và Phát triển cây trồng, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • Keywords

    Nitrogen rate, planting density, waxy maize, yield


    This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect ofnitrogen ratesand plant densities on physiological and yield characteristics of waxy maize cv. HUA518using two-factorial design. Nitrogen rates and plant densities did not clearly affect plant height, growth durations and ear height, except the case withoutnitrogen application. The posiste effect ofnitrogen ratesapplied and plant density, however, on leaf area index (LAI) and dry matter accumulation was apparent. These characteristics were closely correlated with yield atmilking stage in all nitrogen treatmentsduring both 2013 autumn -winter and 2014 spring seasons. Yield was affected most by density and fertilizer treatments.The nitrogen rate of 190 kg N/haplus90 kg P2O5and70 kg K2O/ha and the density at 57,000 -61,000 plants/ha gave the highest yield (yield 11-11.8 tons of fresh waxy maize/ha).


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