Current Status and Scenarios for ReducingMethane Emissionfrom Smallholders’ Semi- Intensive Beef Cattle Production System in QuangNgai Province

Received: 21-01-2016

Accepted: 29-04-2016








How to Cite:

Dung, D., Phung, L., Ngoan, L., & Searchinger, T. (2024). Current Status and Scenarios for ReducingMethane Emissionfrom Smallholders’ Semi- Intensive Beef Cattle Production System in QuangNgai Province. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 14(5), 699–706.

Current Status and Scenarios for ReducingMethane Emissionfrom Smallholders’ Semi- Intensive Beef Cattle Production System in QuangNgai Province

Dinh Van Dung (*) 1 , Le Dinh Phung 1, 2 , Le Duc Ngoan 1 , Timothy D Searchinger 3

  • 1 Trường Đại học Nông Lâm, Đại học Huế
  • 2 Trường Cao đẳng Kinh tế - Kỹ thuật Quảng Nam
  • 3 Woodrow Wilson School of International Technology, and Environmental Policy, Princeton University, USA
  • Keywords

    Diet, enteric methane emission, semi -intensive beef production system


    The objective of this study was to determine the magnitude of enteric methane emission and to develop scenarios to reduce methane emission per unit product from a semi-intensive cattle production system. Methane emission was estimated according to the tier 3 of IPCC (2006) method. Results showed that average enteric methane emission was estimated at 33.4 kg/animal/year and enteric methane efficiency was 11.23 kg CO2eq/kg daily weight gain (DWG). Results of scenarios indicated that increasing dietary concentrate levels from 30-40% for cows and 35-45% for cattle > 1 year old resulted in increased DWG from 50 to 83% with reduced enteric methane efficiency from 24 to 31% compared to the current cattle keeping practice (20% for cows and 25% for cattle > 1 year old). The use of forage mixture of elephant grass, rice straw and ruzzi grass or elephant grass, maize foliage and rice straw resulted in increased DWG and reduced enteric methan efficiency compared to elephant grass and rice straw mixture.


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