Some Biological Characteristics of Isaria javanica(Frider. & Bally) Samsom & Hywel-Jones Distributing at Pu Mat National Park, Nghe An

Received: 06-01-2015

Accepted: 22-07-2015








How to Cite:

Thuy, N., Tung, N., Lan, T., & Lam, T. (2024). Some Biological Characteristics of Isaria javanica(Frider. & Bally) Samsom & Hywel-Jones Distributing at Pu Mat National Park, Nghe An. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 13(5), 687–693.

Some Biological Characteristics of Isaria javanica(Frider. & Bally) Samsom & Hywel-Jones Distributing at Pu Mat National Park, Nghe An

Nguyen Thi Thuy (*) 1 , Nguyen Viet Tung 2 , Tran Ngoc Lan 3 , Thai Thi Ngoc Lam 1

  • 1 Khoa Nông Lâm Ngư, Trường Đại học Vinh
  • 2 Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • 3 Viện Nghiên cứu và Phát triển Vùng, Bộ Khoa học vàCông nghệ
  • Keywords

    Entomopathogenic fungi, Isaria javanica, Pu Mat National Park


    Field surveys of entomopathogenic fungi were carried out in Pu Mat National Park from 2011 to 2013. A total of 18 strains of Isaria javanica were collected, isolated and identified of which 6 strains infecting Lepidopteran larvae, 8 strains infecting Hymenopteran adults and 4 strains infecting spider adults. Specimens were found in the leaf litter with 66.67% and on the leaf underside with 33.33%. A white to ash gray powdery layer covers some parts or most of the host body. Conidiophores are vertical single or branching; phialides cylindrical basal part, thin neck, 8.4-14.2x2.2-2.8 µm in size; conidia fusiform, sometimes cylindrical, smooth-walled, hyaline then turning cream, light gray orash gray whenmature, 4.5-7.4x1.4-1.7 µm in size. Colonies on PDA at 25oC are relatively fast growing with diameter 23.14 mm after 9 days. The conidia appear on the 3rd day showing white colourand then turning cream and to light gray or ash gray at maturity.


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