Developing Database and Online Seraching Sytemof Popular Rice Varieties in Viet Nam

Received: 17-03-2015

Accepted: 30-07-2015








How to Cite:

Luu, V., Huyen, T., Hong, P., Thao, N., & Thuy, N. (2024). Developing Database and Online Seraching Sytemof Popular Rice Varieties in Viet Nam. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 13(5), 217.

Developing Database and Online Seraching Sytemof Popular Rice Varieties in Viet Nam

Vu Thi Luu (*) 1 , Tran Thi Thu Huyen 1 , Phan Thi Thu Hong 1 , Nguyen Thi Thao 1 , Nguyen Thi Thuy 1

  • 1 Khoa Công nghệ thông tin, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • Keywords

    Database, database management system, online searching, searchin software rice, rice information


    Rice is the most popular food crop in Viet Nam. However, information about rice varieties and their cultivation are mostly available in textbooks and printed documents. There has been no digitalized database of rice information and no database management system (DBMS) for rice data that users can search and retrieve the information online. This paper presents a new approach for searching and retrieving rice information from a rice database and from a system on the Internet. We have collected information from reliable data sources to build a database of popular rice varieties in some regions of Viet Nam. From that, we design a database management system that allows users to perform searching, retrieving, and making report in detail about rice varieties in a convenient and efficient way. The database can be shared to many users and the online DBMS allows one to do searching anywhere with computer and Internet connection. The success in building the database and the DBMS give users an efficient way to access to information quickly and reliably, especially for agricultural researchers, rice grower and rice consumers. Up to date, the software is the first database and the first online tool for rice information searching and management in Viet Nam.


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