Study on Heat and Humidity Exchange in Nusery Environment for Propagation of Forestry Planting Materials

Received: 25-09-2012

Accepted: 26-10-2012








How to Cite:

Phuc, L., & Vin, N. (2024). Study on Heat and Humidity Exchange in Nusery Environment for Propagation of Forestry Planting Materials. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 10(6), 940–945.

Study on Heat and Humidity Exchange in Nusery Environment for Propagation of Forestry Planting Materials

Le Xuan Phuc (*) 1 , Nong Van Vin 2

  • 1 Viện Khoa học Lâm nghiệp Việt Nam
  • 2 Trường Đại học Nông nghiệp Hà Nội
  • Keywords

    Forestry planting materials, heat and humidity control, nethouse nursery


    The paper presents a mathematical model depicting heat and humidity exchange process in propagation nursery of forest planting materials under of heat control by ventilation or misting hot, cool water onto nursery seed beds covered with polyethylene in the net house. The model permits observation on the effect of the net house structure and the control regimes on the transition of temperature and humidity change in nursery environment. The results of this research further contribute to scientific foundation for designing control device system and selecting optimal heat and humidity regime regulation in the net house nursery for forestry planting materials in Vietnam.


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