Received: 30-06-2012
Accepted: 28-08-2012
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Evaluate the Antibacterial Activity of Moringa oleiferaLam. Seed Extract for Some Bacterias in Wastewater from Pig Farm
Antibacterial, Moringa oleiferaseeds, pig farm wastewater, water treatment
Moringa oleiferaLam. is a plant with high nutritional value for humans and livestock. Several studies also showed that the extract of the seeds is antibacterial. The experiments were executed to evaluate the antibacterial activity of Moringa oleiferaseed extracts against E.coli, Salmonella, Staphylococcus, aerobic bacteria and direct wastewater samples, wastewater samples from biogas of pig farms. The results showed thatMoringa oleifera seed extract has strong inhibitory effect ongrowth of gram-positive Staphylococcus, reducesthe number of aerobic bacteria, killsbacteria in aerobic and anaerobic of direct wastewater,and killsaerobic bacteria from the wastewater discharged frombiogas.
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