Received: 18-06-2014
Accepted: 01-09-2014
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State Management of Farm Households’ Pesticide Use in Thai Binh Province
Farm household, pesticide, state management, use
Thai Binh province has over 70 percent of population who still live on farming activities. This means that pesticide has been used with a big amount and in large cultivated area. Almost all farmers used pesticide based on their experiences, so pesticide overusing is happened overwhelmingly. Carried out in Hung Ha and Quynh Phu district, this study showed that state management of households’ pesticide use is not strictly enough in these two locations. Reasons are that fact that the state policies of pesticide management have been slowly implemented. Simultaneously, mornitoring activities have not been paid much attention. Lack of human, financial, and equipmental resources influenced state management of pesticide use. In order to improve the state management of pesticide use, the study recommended major solutions including organization improvement; human, financial and equipmental resource enhancement; and building up an organization for pesticide use management at commune level.
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Ủy ban thường vụ Quốc Hội, Viện Nghiên cứu lập pháp (2013). Một số vấn đề về bảo vệ, kiểm dịch thực vật. Truy cập ngày 15/03/2014 tại