The Effects of N, P, K Fertilizers and Sugarcane Filter Cake on Growth and N, P, K Uptake of Young and Ratoon Sugarcane on Alluvial Soil in The Mekong Delta

Received: 10-12-2015

Accepted: 15-09-2015








How to Cite:

Khuong, N., Quyen, N., & Hung, N. (2024). The Effects of N, P, K Fertilizers and Sugarcane Filter Cake on Growth and N, P, K Uptake of Young and Ratoon Sugarcane on Alluvial Soil in The Mekong Delta. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 13(6), 885–892.

The Effects of N, P, K Fertilizers and Sugarcane Filter Cake on Growth and N, P, K Uptake of Young and Ratoon Sugarcane on Alluvial Soil in The Mekong Delta

Nguyen Quoc Khuong (*) 1, 2, 3, 4 , Nguyen Kim Quyen 5 , Ngo Ngoc Hung 2

  • 1 Trường Đại học An Giang,Trường Đại học Quốc gia thành phố Hồ Chí Minh
  • 2 Khoa Nông nghiệp và Sinh học ứng dụng, Trường Đại học Cần Thơ
  • 3 Khoa Nông nghiệp và Sinh học Ứng dụng, Trường Đại học Cần Thơ
  • 4 Khoa Nông nghiệp và Sinh học, Trường đại
  • 5 Khoa Khoa học Nông nghiệp, Trường Đại học Cửu Long
  • Abstract

    The objective of this study was to compare the effects of N, P, K fertilizers in combination with sugarcane filter cake on growth and N, P, K uptake of young and ratoon sugarcaneon alluvial soil. A 22factorial experiment in a randomized complete block including four inorganic fertilizer treatments (O1: N, P, K;O2: N, P;O3: N, K and O4: P, K) and two sugarcane filter cake (SFC) treatments (S1: 10 and S2: 0 tons ha-1) with four replications was conducted in Hau Giang province during 2011 (youngsugarcane crop) and 2012 (ratoon sugarcane crop). The total treatments were O1S1 (N, P, K fertilizers application + 10 tons SFC ha-1), O2S1 (N, P fertilizers application + 10 tons SFC ha-1), O3S1 (N, K fertilizers application + 10 tons SFC ha-1), O4S1 (P, K fertilizers application + 10 tons SFC ha-1), O1S2 (N, P, K fertilizers application), O2S2 (N, P fertilizers application), O3S2 (N, K fertilizers application) and O4S2 (P, K fertilizers application). Results showed that growth and N, P, K uptake decreased both plant and ratoon sugarcane crop as without single N, P, K application. The ratoon sugarcane yield decreased by 25 tons per hectare in comparison with plant sugarcane yield, which result in lower N, P, K uptake. Where, phosphorus uptake reduced the highest value. The sugarcane filter cake application improved N, P, K uptake of ratoon sugarcane, but it increased only phosphorus uptake of plant sugarcane. However, it improved sugarcane yield of two crops. The sugarcane filter cake application improved sugarcane yield, nitrogen and potassium uptake of ratoon sugarcane compared to plant sugarcane.


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