Microalgal Composition in Fish Ponds at the Vietnam National University of Agriculture

Received: 01-03-2023

Accepted: 07-03-2024








How to Cite:

Loan, D., Linh, N., Tam, H., Hang, L., Thiet, N., Dung, H., & Hong, P. (2024). Microalgal Composition in Fish Ponds at the Vietnam National University of Agriculture. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 22(3), 340–349. http://testtapchi.vnua.edu.vn/index.php/vjasvn/article/view/1272

Microalgal Composition in Fish Ponds at the Vietnam National University of Agriculture

Doan Thanh Loan (*) 1 , Nguyen Khanh Linh 2 , Hoang Thi Tam 3 , Le Thi Hoang Hang 1 , Nguyen Cong Thiet 1 , Hoang Dang Dung 4 , Pham Thi Lam Hong 1

  • 1 Khoa Thuỷ sản, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • 2 Công ty TNHH Lotte World Việt Nam
  • 3 Công ty Cổ phần sản xuất và Thương mại VMC Việt Nam
  • 4 Trung tâm Thực ngiệm và Đào tạo nghề, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • Keywords

    Microalgae, freshwater algae, bioindicator, algal bloom, microalgal composition


    This study was carried out to build a database of microalgae in fish ponds at the Fisheries Faculty of the Vietnam National University of Agriculture. Water samples were collected to examine the frequency of occurrence and microalgal composition in five aquaculture ponds. A total of 30 microalgal samples (15 from winter and 15 from summer) were analyzed in this study. The results showed that there were 136 microalgae species from 8 classes, 11 orders, 26 families, 49 genera, and 6 phyla (Euglenophyta, Chlorophyta, Cyanobacteriophyta, Bacillariophyta, Pyrophyta, and Xanthophyta). The number of microalgal species was abundant in summer. There were 27 microalgae species that could be used as live food for zooplankton. The occurrence of 12 microalgae species is a bioindicator of organic compound enrichment in water. There were three microalgae species that could cause harmful algal “blooms”.


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