Received: 07-11-2023
Accepted: 26-01-2024
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Evaluation of Growth, Biomass Potential and Seed Yield of Introduced Sunflower Accessions
Sunflower, introduced accessions, biomass, yield
The study aimed to evaluate the growth, potentials of biomass, and seed yields of 40 s introduced sunflower accessions. The experiment was conducted in the Spring cropping season of 2023 at Gia Lam, Hanoi in a non-replicated field experiment. The result showed that the potential accessions for biomass yield belonged to medium and late maturity groups. Biomass yield had a positive correlation with leaf area. Seed yield correlated negatively with the number of heads/plant, and positively with head diameter, total seed numbers/head, and 1000-seed weight. The accessions “CA sunflower” (87.5 tons/ha), “Red Sun” (83.1 tons/ha), and “Roshia” (77.3 tons/ha) had higher biomass yield compared to the control “Aguara” 6 (76.3 tons/ha). “Sono” accession had a high biomass yield (73.9 tons/ha) and the highest seed yield (6.54 tons/ha).
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