Factors Affecting Household Decision on VietGAHP Adoption inPig Production in Khoai ChauDistrict, Hung Yen Province

Received: 28-02-2023

Accepted: 22-05-2023








How to Cite:

Huong, G., Hung, P., & Ly, N. (2024). Factors Affecting Household Decision on VietGAHP Adoption inPig Production in Khoai ChauDistrict, Hung Yen Province. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 21(5), 649–659. http://testtapchi.vnua.edu.vn/index.php/vjasvn/article/view/1131

Factors Affecting Household Decision on VietGAHP Adoption inPig Production in Khoai ChauDistrict, Hung Yen Province

Giang Huong (*) 1 , Pham Van Hung 1 , Nguyen Thi Ly 1

  • 1 Khoa Kinh tế và Phát triển nông thôn, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • Keywords

    Pig raising, household, effects of VietGAHP, affecting factors


    Vietnamese Good Animal Husbandry Practices (VietGAHP) used in pig production of households are crucial trend in pig raising which increases production eficiency and competitiveness of farm households. However, production units including small farm households having VietGAHP certificates were in small number and research on the analysis of VietGAHP benefits of households was also limited. This research aimed to determine factors affecting household decision on VietGAHP adoption in pig production and effects of the VietGAHP on production outputs and efficiency. Data were gathered from 81 pig farm households in Khoai Chau district, Hung Yen province. Findings showed that four factors, including experiences of main labor involving in pig raising, training of main labor of housholds, total household income and the household access to veterinary services affected household decision on using VietGAHP. Of these, two main factors had a strong effect on the household decision including training of main labor of housholds (75.6%) and the household access to veterinary services (37.7%). For encouragement of using VietGAHP, technical training on VietGAHP and improvement of veterinary services are important in the future. In addition, a solution to help consumers to classify which pork is produced using VietGAHP should be considered.


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