Received: 08-04-2014
Accepted: 13-05-2014
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Evaluation on Capacity of Professional Colleges in the Red River Delta Region at Periods of Integration
Capacity, professional colleges, Red river delta region, criterion, quality verificatory
Despite the remarkable contribution to the training progress of skilled labour for economic sectors, the professional colleges face with challenges of educational qualities and competitiveness under the globalization and economic integration. In this study, the analysis regarding the capacity of those colleges were categorized in 3 aspects as such, organization and management, education quality, and infrastructure and teaching facilities according to the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Training. The results indicated that the State-owned colleges had higher capacity in comparison with those under management of private enterprises. Regarding colleges’ capacity evaluation, the number of colleges that satisfied the requirement referred to organization and management capacity showed the highest of percentage (86.4%), while the figures for education and training qualities and the infrastructure and teaching facilities were 80,8 percent and 79,6 percent, respectively. 93.2 percent of the colleges in the province met the requirements for the first criterion on training goals and missions, while only 61.7 percent satisfied the criterion on library quality. Among 50 evaluation criteria, some criteria reached rather low value: 20% for the teaching materials, 40% for teaching material quality, 40.3 percent for financial budgeting, 45% for education transfer program and 55% for international cooperation and accommodation. These findings can serve as practical basis to find suitable solutions for improving capacity of professional colleges in professional education.
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