Received: 14-10-2021
Accepted: 01-03-2022
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Improving Credit Quality of Foreign Direct Investment Enterprises at the Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam - Bac Ninh Branch
Foreign direct investment (FDI), Vietcombank BacNinh, credit quality, FDI company customers
Bank credit activities for foreign direct investment (FDI) enterprises at the Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam - Bac Ninh branch (Vietcombank Bac Ninh) have been developed and contributed significantly to the development of Bac Ninh province on the way to the top provinces in terms of attracting foreign investment. However, its efficiency and market share is still limited. This article assessed the current situation and proposed some solutions to improve the credit quality of FDI enterprises at Vietcombank Bac Ninh through primary information collected from 80 FDI enterprises with outstanding loans on credit quality in 2021. Data were processed by SPSS 20 software, and analyzed by EFA factor analysis and regression analysis. Results showed that there were four groups of factors: credit policy, credit procedure, service quality, and credibility, of main interest to customers. The article proposed some solutions to improve credit quality for FDI enterprises for banks in the coming time, including: improving responsiveness, promoting service capacity, enhancing reliability and perfecting control and supervision activities.
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