Tourists’ Preferences toward Ecotourism Product and Biodiversity Conservation in Bavi National Park

Received: 05-05-2021

Accepted: 29-07-2021








How to Cite:

Nhung, T. (2024). Tourists’ Preferences toward Ecotourism Product and Biodiversity Conservation in Bavi National Park. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 19(10), 1392–1399.

Tourists’ Preferences toward Ecotourism Product and Biodiversity Conservation in Bavi National Park

Thai Thi Nhung (*) 1

  • 1 Khoa Kinh tế và Phát triển nông thôn, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • Keywords

    Preferences, tourist, ecotourism, biodiversity, conservation, Bavi National Park


    This paper analyzed tourists’ preferences for ecotourism products associated with Biodiversity Conservation in Bavi National Park to support the decision-makers in ecotourism development process. Choice experiments were employed to examine the preferences of 180 tourists for the attributes of ecotourism products associated with Biodiversity Conservation and to estimate their willingness to pay for these ecotourism attributes. Using a Conditional Logit Model, the research results indicated that tourists had a preference for ecotourism products with all attributes except for visiting without exploiting traditional medicinal plants of the Dao ethnic minority.The tourist’s marginal willingness to donate to biodiversity conservation at VND5000 /time was VND100.7 thousand. The study also revealed that tourists were willing to donate for biodiversity conservation activities even higher than donation level suggested by the Park.


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