Demand for Undergraduate Human Resources of Agricultureand Rural Development disiciplines in Vietnam

Received: 28-04-2020

Accepted: 27-08-2020








How to Cite:

Phuong, N., Giam, D., Nga, B., Hang, N., & Cuong, T. (2024). Demand for Undergraduate Human Resources of Agricultureand Rural Development disiciplines in Vietnam. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 18(11), 997–1008.

Demand for Undergraduate Human Resources of Agricultureand Rural Development disiciplines in Vietnam

Nguyen Van Phuong (*) 1 , Do Quang Giam 1 , Bui Thi Nga 1 , Ngo Thi Thu Hang 1 , Tran Huu Cuong 1

  • 1 Khoa Kế toán và Quản trị kinh doanh, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • Keywords

    Labor need, university degrees, agricultural labor, rural labor


    In recent years, the world, including Vietnam is facing new challenges of labor supply in the field of agriculture and rural development, when the number of students enrolled in these fields tends to decrease. This study focused on analyzing the demand for undergraduate human resources in the field of agriculture and rural development in Vietnam in order to assess the need for undergraduate human resources training in the field of agriculture and rural development, contributing as a scientific basis for policymakers, agro-forestry and fisheries universities propose solutions to develop and support the training programs to meet social needs. The study was conducted through the collection of primary and secondary data, including surveys with the experts, trainers and employers to assess the needs of the labor force of the training sectors. As a result, there are 23 training disciplines in 4 groups selected to be in high demand and need to be invested and developed. The four groups are based on the level of socialization and industry importance based on the survey data. This is an important basis for policymakers, universities to have development training solutions and plans suitable to the training sector in the field of Agriculture and rural development in the future.


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