Management of Personal Income Tax Collection from the Real Estates Transfers at Gia Lam District Tax Department, Hanoi City

Received: 04-05-2020

Accepted: 19-08-2020








How to Cite:

Giam, D., Huyen, V., Dung, N., & Diep, N. (2024). Management of Personal Income Tax Collection from the Real Estates Transfers at Gia Lam District Tax Department, Hanoi City. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 18(11), 976–985.

Management of Personal Income Tax Collection from the Real Estates Transfers at Gia Lam District Tax Department, Hanoi City

Do Quang Giam (*) 1, 2 , Vu Ngoc Huyen 1 , Nguyen Thi Thuy Dung 1 , Nguyen Xuan Diep 3

  • 1 Khoa Kế toán và Quản trị Kinh doanh, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • 2 Faculty of Accounting and Business Management, Vietnam National University of Agriculture
  • 3 Chi cục Thuế huyện Gia Lâm, thành phố Hà Nội
  • Keywords

    Personal income tax, real estate transfer, tax administration


    The study focused on analyzing situations of the management of personal income tax collection from real estates transfers at Gia Lam district Tax Department, Hanoi city in order to propose some solutions to improve the management of personal income tax collection from real estates transfers in the district. The study conducted a survey of 200 individuals having real estates transfers in 4 communes, where real estates transfers occurred popularly in the district, namely Trau Quy, Da Ton, Kieu Ky and Dong Du in 2019, and interviewed personal income tax officers at the District Tax Department. The results showed that the submitted number of personal income tax dossiers from real estates transfers increased rapidly, over 30%/year on average during the period of 2014-2018. However, the management of taxpayers' information has not been sufficient and timely; the coordination of tax administration agencies is not effective; taxpayers' understanding of tax payment obligations is limited; tax inspection and examination are still not thorough. In order to effectively manage the collection of personal income tax from real estates transfers, it is necessary to strengthen coordination among district administrative institutions; accelerate the application of information technology; enhance tax inspection and examination; and reform tax administrative formalities.


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