Knowledge, Attitude and Application of Safety Measures in Pesticide Use: A Case of Tea Farmers in Binh Thuan Commune, Dai Tu District, Thai Nguyen Province

Received: 15-07-2019

Accepted: 17-10-2019








How to Cite:

Yen, N., & Duy, N. (2024). Knowledge, Attitude and Application of Safety Measures in Pesticide Use: A Case of Tea Farmers in Binh Thuan Commune, Dai Tu District, Thai Nguyen Province. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 17(7), 566–576.

Knowledge, Attitude and Application of Safety Measures in Pesticide Use: A Case of Tea Farmers in Binh Thuan Commune, Dai Tu District, Thai Nguyen Province

Nguyen Thi Bich Yen (*) 1, 2 , Nguyen Manh Duy 2

  • 1 Khoa Tài nguyên và Môi trường, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • 2 Khoa Môi trường, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • Keywords

    Pesticides, knowledge, attitude, safety measures, tea production


    This study aimed to assess the knowledge, attitudes and levels of application of safety measures in the use of pesticides by tea farmers. Primary data were collected by interviewing 60 tea farmers using a structured-questionnaire in Binh Thuan commune, Dai Tu district, Thai Nguyen province. The survey results showed that the tea farmers still hadlimited knowledge of toxicity groups of pesticides based on information on pesticide containers and how to treat pesticide containers after use. The tea farmers hada high level of interest in the harmful effects of pesticides on human health, but only on an average level of environmental damage, especially for natural enemiesbeneficial for crops. The research results also showed that people hadapplied relatively good safety measures in pesticide use, except still regularly poured the waterfrom washingpesticide sprayer into canals or ponds and occasionally discarded pesticide containers after use right on the tea farms where the pesticideswereprepared for spraying. The gender of the household heads, participation in training, area of ​​agricultural landand household income from agriculturewere the factors affecting the knowledge, attitudes and levels of application of safety measures in pesticide use on tea farms.These results provide necessary information to local authorities and relevant organizations in deciding suitable pesticide management measures to protect the human health and the environment.


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