Human Resources for Thai Nguyen province’s Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Received: 09-07-2019

Accepted: 01-10-2019








How to Cite:

Hanh, P., & Cuc, M. (2024). Human Resources for Thai Nguyen province’s Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 17(6), 525–536.

Human Resources for Thai Nguyen province’s Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Phung Tran My Hanh (*) 1 , Mai Thanh Cuc 2

  • 1 Khoa Kinh tế,TrườngĐại họcKinh tếvàQTKD, Đại học Thái Nguyên
  • 2 Khoa Kinh tế và Phát triển nông thôn, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • Keywords

    Human resources, labors, small and medium-sized enterprises, Industry 4.0, Thai Nguyen province


    The study was conducted to assess the quality of human resources for Thai Nguyen province’s small and medium-sizedenterprises inthe fourth Industrial revolution. Along with the secondary data, the research used primary data from a survey ofthe employersand employeesin Thai Nguyen’s small and medium-sizedenterprises. The primary data wereanalyzed by Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient,descriptive statistics, and comparative statistics. The results showedthat the quality of human resources inThai Nguyen’s small and medium-sizedenterprises werelow and havenot met the labor requirements forthe Industry 4.0. The study proposedsome solutions to improve the quality of human resources for Thai Nguyen’s small and medium-sized enterprises inthedigital revolution.


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