Disease Risk Management in ShrimpFarmingin the Coastal Areasof Nam DinhProvince

Received: 09-07-2019

Accepted: 05-08-2019








How to Cite:

Thu, N., & Thao, T. (2024). Disease Risk Management in ShrimpFarmingin the Coastal Areasof Nam DinhProvince. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 17(5), 415–423. http://testtapchi.vnua.edu.vn/index.php/vjasvn/article/view/565

Disease Risk Management in ShrimpFarmingin the Coastal Areasof Nam DinhProvince

Nguyen Thi Minh Thu (*) 1 , Tran Dinh Thao 1

  • 1 Khoa Kinh tế và PTNT, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • Keywords

    Risk management, diseases, shrimp farming, Nam Dinh


    The study aims at analyzing the situation to recommend measures to improve disease risk management in shrimp farming in Nam Dinh province. The study was conducted in three coastal districts, including Giao Thuy, Hai Hau and Nghia Hung. The data was collected through surveys with 120 shrimp farming households and note taking records in 910 shrimp pondsto analyze the disease’s likelihood, damages and households’ risk management strategies. In Nam Dinh, within 2010 and 2016, the shrimp farming area reduced from 3.632 to 2.834 hectares, corresponding to 59.52 to 45.30% of the total aquaculture area in brackish water. Over 80% of total shrimp pondssuffered loss fromdiseaseswithin 2015 and 2016. The disease risk managementcoastal areas could be improvedthroughvarious measures, including efficiency improvement in the state management in aquacultureareaplanning, infrastructuresynchronization, capacity building for the shrimp farmers,quality controlof aquacultureinputs, financial market development, agricultural insurance, promotion of the production-consumptionlinkage, and formation of value chain for the shrimp productin coming years.


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