Received: 20-04-2016
Accepted: 06-06-2016
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Common Reproductive Diseases and Treatment of Metritis ofWild Sows under Captivity
Conception rate, estrus, metritis, reproductive diseases, wild sows
Wild pigs are increasingly raised in Vietnam. However, documents related to the common reproductive diseases are rare. The present study aimed to investigate common diseases, determine the efficiency of preliminary treatment of metritis, and analyse the effects of postpartum metritis on the length of the interval from parturition to post-weaning estrus and post-weaning conception rate in wild sows. Overall, 102 wild sows from 5 farms were monitored. Results showed that common diseases in wild sows are metritis, mastitis, agalactiae and dystocia. Preliminary treatment of metritis with Lutalyse injection, Lugol and Neomycin infusion conferred very high cure rate. Wild sows with postpartum metritis have a significantly longer interval from parturition to post-weaning estrus, while their post-weaning conception rate is significantly lower compared with healthy sows. The present study showed that postpartum metritis is a common disease in wild sows, and it may hamper their reproductive performance.
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