Received: 24-12-2014
Accepted: 06-08-2015
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Applicaton of Aerobic Composting for Treating Fish Carcassesand Duck Waste
Aerobic composting, duck waste, fish carcasses, microorganism
A study was conducted to evaluated aerobic composting method for treating fish carcasses and duck waste on small-scale fish-duck integrated breeding farms at Phuxuyen district, Ha Noi city. The results showed that thermogenesisoccurred optimal and reached a peak at 74.4°C after 3 days. The fish carcasses were quickly resolved after 7 days and fully composted after 30 days. Esspecially, with the methods aerobic composting, dangerous pathogenic microorganisms, like Salmonella, were killed after 30 days and E. coli and Coliform were significantly reduced. In addition, the emission of toxic NH3 and H2S was reduced, contributing to lowering stress on environmental pollution and protecting public health.
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