Received: 08-07-2014
Accepted: 04-06-2015
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Effect of Postharvest Treatments on Quality of Litchi Fruits DuringStorage
Cold storage, fruit quality, Litchi chinensisSonn, Postharvest technology
Litchi (Litchi chinensisSonn.) fruitis one of the most popular fruits in Viet Nam. However, occurrence of postharvest pericarp browning and rapid decay shortenthe postharvest storagelife of litchi fruitand reduce fruit quality. A study was designed to invetigate the effect of different postharvest treatments on fruit quality. Incidence of microbiological infection, weight loss, anthocyanin content and other nutrional quality attributes were determined at harvest and 10, 20, 30, 35 days afterstorage. Results suggestedthat after 35 days of storage the pericarp browning and fruit quality deterioration can be better delayedcompared to the control by dipping fruits in 0.1%carbendazim, followed by4 mM oxalic acidand finally packed in polypropylene bag with 0.008% of perforation and stored at 4 ± 1oCandrelative humidity of 75%.
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