Theoretical Considerationsand Practical Issues of Low Carbon Rice Farming for Transferring Farming Practices to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emmissions in SomeProvinces in The Mekong Delta

Received: 18-06-2014

Accepted: 01-09-2014








How to Cite:

Ha, T., & Chung, D. (2024). Theoretical Considerationsand Practical Issues of Low Carbon Rice Farming for Transferring Farming Practices to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emmissions in SomeProvinces in The Mekong Delta. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 12(6), 935–945.

Theoretical Considerationsand Practical Issues of Low Carbon Rice Farming for Transferring Farming Practices to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emmissions in SomeProvinces in The Mekong Delta

Tran Thu Ha (*) , Do Kim Chung 1

  • 1 Khoa Kinh tế và Phát triển Nông thôn, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • Keywords

    Low carbon rice farming technique, rice cultivation, theoretical framework, practical settings, transfer of technology


    The low-carbon rice farming technique has proven to deliver the triple wins that include economic, social and environmental benefits from the reduction of inputs (seed, fertilizer, agro-chemical and water); increase of rice yield, increase the social linkages among rice farmers in their communities by the sharing the common farming practices; and at the same time reduce significantly the greenhouse gas emissions from rice cultivation, protection of the water resource from pollution and the overdose as well as the ecological system. The low carbon rice farming technique is therefore urged to scale-up through the transfer of technology to the intensive rice cultivation provinces. In order to understand thoroughly about this low carbon rice farming technique and its essentiality, this paper discusses the concepts, essentiality, characteristics and the key major factorsaffecting the effectiveness and efficiency of the process of technology transfer. At the same time, this paper also seeksto discuss and draw the experience and lesson learnt in applying and implementing the low carbon rice farming technique from both foreign countries and within Vietnam in order to consolidate the theoretical and practical issues of this contemporary advanced farming technique.


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