Received: 18-06-2014
Accepted: 01-09-2014
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Solutionsto Improve Capacity of Professional Colleges in the Red River Delta Region
Capacity, economic integration, professional colleges, Red River Delta Region, solution
Basedonthe assessment s of current capacity situation of professional colleges in the Red River Delta Region as well as the Vietnamese social economical context during the period of international economicof integration,on the strategic demandof Vietnamese professional education andon demand forecast of human resources of economy in2011 -2020period, the presentstudyproposed, orientationsand solutionsto improve on thecapacity of professional colleges in the Red River Delta Region.The orientations includeindustrialization and modernization under international economic integration; close collaboration and transfer; learning by doing; andenhancingthe quality of education/training.The solutions aregood planning ofprofessional education network; allocating necessary resources; improving the quality of education; promoting collaboration ofprofessional education unit with industry/enterprises and international cooperation; establishingthe educational quality management; increasing the role of Government in educational administration; and completing the policies on professional educational sector. Specific recommendationstoward public educational sector focus on the investment for the national colleges while private professional colleges should be classified/ranked annualy based on their capacity.
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