Received: 18-06-2014
Accepted: 01-09-2014
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The Evaluation of The Development of Sea Island Tourist Sustainabilityin Bai Tu Long Bay
Bai Tu Long Bay, development, evaluation, island tourism, sustainability
Bai Tu Long Bay Tourism plays an important role in the economic -social development of Van Don island district, Quang Ninh province. However, the island tourism is facing to the risk of unsustainable development on several aspects. A survey was carried out throughsurveying641 tourists, 100 local people and 25 local leaders and staffs in order to analyze the current situation of tourism development and assess its sustainability. The results of the study showed that touristactivities is growing, contributing to economic growth, reducing the poverty rate, and creating jobs for local people. However, the tourism of Bai Tu Long Bay currently faces withproblems of the environmental pollution,traditional cultural deterioration, and risk of destabilizingsecurity and order. The study has provided recommendationsand key solutions for sustainable tourism development on planning, environmental protection, human resources improvement and tourism promotion.
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