Function Expansion of Network Topology inMininet

Received: 22-07-2015

Accepted: 03-09-2015








How to Cite:

Ngoc, D., & Dung, P. (2024). Function Expansion of Network Topology inMininet. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 13(6), 999–1007.

Function Expansion of Network Topology inMininet

Dao Nhu Ngoc (*) 1 , Pham Quang Dung 2

  • 1 TrườngKhoahọcvàKỹthuậtMáytính, ĐạihọcChung - Ang, HànQuốc
  • 2 KhoaCôngnghệThôngtin, HọcviệnNôngnghiệpViệtNam
  • Abstract

    The Software Defined Networking technology promises a bright future to IP network. Many researcheshave beenbeing conducted. However, until now there are only a few frameworks supportingemulation and implementation to verify the research. Mininet is one of the most popular tools because of the openness, cost effectiveness, and full Openflow support. By default, Mininet helps to create a standalone typical SDN network along with lightweight clients. In this paper, we explorethe extended functions of network topology emulation in Mininet based on Virtualbox, such as Internet connection, independent OS clients, standard routing controller, and automatic flow logging. Therefore, it brings about an easier and convenient facility to research and training.


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