Received: 25-07-2014
Accepted: 10-09-2014
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Building and Developing Agricultural Staff at Communal Levelin HoaBinh Province
Agricultural staff for communes
In recent years, despite an increase in quality of human resource, working capacity of the agricultural officials in communes (including agriculturalists) has not met the requirements for the taskimplementation. Surveys and observationson the working skills of the agricultural staff working in communesin Hoa Binh province showedthat the basic theoretical andprofessional capacity was rated as averaged, whileresearch capability was rated rather low. Other skills,such as problemsolving, monitoring production activities, diseminationof common techniques to farmers were rate weak. 17.5 percent of extesionistshave receivedprofessional training not suitable for their jobs. The resultsof this research may serve as basisfor proposing solutions to build and develop agricultural stafffor communes in Hoa Binh province in the future.
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