Received: 15-03-2016
Accepted: 15-07-2016
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Solanum nigrumL., A Plant Capable of Treating CadmiumContaminated Soil
Solanum nigrumL., remediation of contaminated soils, hyperaccumulator, cadmium
A study of Cadmium (Cd) absorption by Solanum nigrumL.(S. nigrum) was conducted through using outdoor pot- culture experiments from March to June 2015. Results showed that S. nigrumbiomass compared with the controlwas not significantlydifferent(P<0.05) under the concentration of 10- 25mg/kg of Cd in soil. The ability to accumulate Cd in the above-ground parts was greater than 100mg/kg dry biomass; TF and BF coefficient was greater than 1. The results of this study demonstrated that S. nigrumis a Cd-hyperaccumulator. This is an important finding that may contribute to solve heavy metal pollution problems as well as to apply phytoremediation in specific situations.
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