Received: 19-02-2016
Accepted: 15-07-2016
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Application of Remote Sensing and GISto StudySurface Temperature ChangesofThe Urban Districts in Hanoi during 2005- 2015Period
GIS, remote sensing, urban surfce temperature changes
Hanoi city has 30 administrative unitswith area of 3.344,7 km2. High population densityleads to fast development ofinfrastructure and residences,therefore, causing urban “heat island”phenomenonthat dramaticallyaffectsclimate change in Vietnam. Thus, authors usedcharacterized information of bands of satellite image data of Landsat involving 12 urban districts of Hanoi during3 periods,2005,2010,and 2015. With infrared bands, after pixel values wereconverted from digital number (DN) into energy of Atmosphere spectral radiance,the light surface temperaturewas determined. However, the real temperaturewas then determined byadjusting theemissivitty of top cover layer via Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and energy of radiance to top of atmosphere reflectance basedon red and near- infrared bands. Combined with urban land situation estimated from image satellite analysis via accreditation classifyingmethod,the correlation regression equation between surface temperature and urbanization speed was proposed.
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