Effect of ExtractionConditions on Polyphenol Content and Antioxidant Activityof the Extract from Gynura Procumbens(Lour) Merr. Leaves

Received: 18-03-2016

Accepted: 15-07-2016








How to Cite:

Han, N., Quyen, P., & Minh, N. (2024). Effect of ExtractionConditions on Polyphenol Content and Antioxidant Activityof the Extract from Gynura Procumbens(Lour) Merr. Leaves. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 14(8), 1248–1260. http://testtapchi.vnua.edu.vn/index.php/vjasvn/article/view/1433

Effect of ExtractionConditions on Polyphenol Content and Antioxidant Activityof the Extract from Gynura Procumbens(Lour) Merr. Leaves

Nguyen The Han (*) 1 , Pham Thi Kim Quyen 2 , Nguyen Van Minh 3

  • 1 Khoa Công nghệ thực phẩm, Trường đại học Nha Trang
  • 2 Viện Nghiên cứu Nuôi trồng Thủy sản III
  • 3 Khoa Công nghệ Thực phẩm, Trường Đại học Nha Trang
  • Keywords

    Gynura procumbensleaves, polyphenol, antioxidant activity, extractionconditions


    Gynura procumbens(Lour.) Merr.is a well- known traditional herb in South East Asia and it is widely used to treat inflammation, high cholesterol level, high blood pressure and diabetes. In the present study, the effects of various extractionconditionswere investigated:solvent, solvent concentration, materialto solvent ratio, extraction temperature, extraction time and extraction techniques (maceration and ultrasonic- assisted) on total phenolic content (TPC) and antioxidant activity of the extract fromleaves of Gynura procumbens(Lour) Merr. cultivated in Khánh Hoa province.Folin- Ciocalteu’s method was used for the determination of TPC, while theantioxidant activity was determined by 2,2’ - diphenyl - 1 - picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radicalscavenging activity and reducing power assays. The best extraction conditions were as follows: 50% aqueous methanolas the extraction solvent,1: 50 materialto solvent ratio, the extraction temperature at60C and the extraction time of30 min, using ultrasonic- assisted extraction. The total phenolic content, DPPH radical scavenging activity (EC50) and reducing power (EC50) under suitable condition, were 48.49 mg GAE/g dry extract, 0.13 and 0.06 mg/ml, respectively. The present study suggested that the Gynura procumbens extract could be a promising source of natural antioxidants.


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