Received: 25-07-2022
Accepted: 07-03-2024
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Effects of Dietary Supplementation with Herbal Mixed Powder on GrowthPerformance, Gas Emission and Clostridium perfringensin Manure of Growing Pigs from 30-60kg
Growth performance, GAS emission; NH3, H2S, Herbal plants, C. perfringens
This study aimed to evaluate the effects of dietary supplementationwith herbalplants mixture on growth performance, gas emmission of NH3 and H2Sand Clostridium perfringens(C. perfingens) bacterium inmanure ofgrowingpigs from 30-60kg. Experimental pigs were divided into three groups, a control group without herbal plants mixture and two groups with two different levels of herbal plants mixture supplementation, 15 grams or 20 grams for one kg of feed. The supplementation with 15 grams and 20 grams herbalplants mixture improved the average daily gain by 11.67% and 13.45%, respectively, compared with the control.After 28 days of using feed with supplementation herbalplants mixture, the concentration of NH3emissions from pig manure in experimental group 1 (TD1)and experimental group 2 (TD2)has decreased by 51.58% and 49.47%, respectively, and the concentration of H2S in TD1 group and TD2 group has decreased by 13.92% and 51.03%, respectively, compared to the control group. The concentration of C. perfringensin the TD1groupand TD2groupdecreased by 23.17% and 27.35%, respectively, compared with the control group. The supplementationherbalplants mixture at 20 grams per kilogram of feed had better effect on reducing H2S emissions and the concentration of C.perfringensin pig manure than adding 15 grams of herbalplants mixture per kilogram of feed.
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