Received: 15-03-2023
Accepted: 20-11-2023
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Current Situation of E-Invoicing in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises: Case Study in Hai Duong Province
E-invoice, small and medium-sized enterprises, Hai Duong province
This study described the current e-invoice use of small and medium-sized enterprises in Hai Duong province. Research methods include descriptive statistics and the Likert scale. Research results show that 86.3% of small and medium-sized enterprises surveyed have applied e-invoicing. The core reason was the compulsory application of E-Invoice from the Ministry of Finance. However, in using E-Invoice, some errors have arisen such as (1) Error when registering to use E-Invoice and (2) Error when issuing e-invoice, issuing agency code tax. Therefore, to increase the efficiency of using e-invoices, some recommendations were proposed for small and medium-sized enterprises, organizations providing e-invoice services, and the Hai Duong Provincial Tax Department to promote the use of e-invoices.
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