Received: 21-03-2023
Accepted: 21-06-2023
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Review on International Experience inUrban Agriculture Development and Lessons for Vietnam
Urban agriculture, development, green growth, Vietnam
Urban agriculture plays a vitalrole in the socio-economicdevelopment of many countries, making an important contribution to achieving global food security.Urban agriculture not only provides fresh food and creates jobs and income for a part of the urban population, but also contributes to creatinglandscapes, reducing environmental pollution and improving urban community health.Thispaperpresentedthe results of an overview of some international theories and practices on urban agriculture developmentandon that basis, some solutions were proposed to develop urban agriculture towards green growth in Vietnam in the near future.The study results indicated that the development of urban agriculture faces difficulties and challenges including difficulties in accessing resources (land, water and creditand supporting infrastructure)andlack of effective planning, implementationand monitoring,leading to negative impacts related to health, productivityand environmental risks as well as market access.Research results have confirmed that the development of urban agriculture is inevitable.On the basis of assessing the current situation, the study proposes a number of solutions to develop urban agriculture in Vietnam.
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