Ngày nhận bài: 23-04-2015

Ngày duyệt đăng: 01-12-2015


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Cường, P., Takeshi, F., & Bailey-Serres, J. (2024). ESTIMATION OF mRNA ACCUMULATION AND PHYSIOLOGICAL RESPONSE TRAITS ASSOCIATED WITH SUBMERGENCE TOLERANT GENE SUB1A IN RICE PLANT (OryzasativaL.). Tạp Chí Khoa học Nông nghiệp Việt Nam, 13(8), 1382–1387.


Phạm Văn Cường (*) 1, 2, 3 , Fukao Takeshi 4 , Julia Bailey-Serres 4

  • 1 Trung tâm nghiên cứu Cây trồng Việt Nam - Nhật Bản
  • 2 Khoa Nông học, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • 3 Dự án JICA, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • 4 Dept. of Botany and Plant Science, University of California at Riverside, TheUSA
  • Từ khóa

    mRNA, photosynthesis, rice plant, submergence tolerance, Sub1A

    Tóm tắt

    The experiment was conducted to estimate mRNA accumulation in a submergence tolerant genotype M202 (Sub1). Nineteen-day-old seedlings of two genotypes (M202 (Sub1) and M202) were exposed to submergence. Leaves and meristems were sampled before applying submergence treatment and at 1, 3 and 7 days of submergence for estimating Sub1A and Adh1 mRNA accumulation. The results showed that the levels of mRNA increased in abundance as plants have undergone stress, especially at 3 days of submergence. The mRNA concentration also accumulated more in the meristem than in leaf tissues.The other experiment was conducted to compare the rate of recovery of photosynthesis and plant growth of the submergence-tolerant M202 (Sub1A) and the intolerant M202. Twenty three-day-old seedlings in soil-containing pots were completely submerged for up 3, 6 and 10 days (d). Photosynthetic and growth traits were measured before submergence treatment (0 day) and after 1 hour and 24 hours of recovering at 3, 6 and 10 days of submergence. When plants were prolonged under stress condition, all the photosysnthetic parameters such as photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, transpiration and water use efficiency decreased much more in M202 (Sub1) than those in M202. On the contrary, these parameters were able to recover in M202 (Sub1) better than in M202. Similar patterns were revealed for plant growth characters including plant height, number of leaves and tillers. The results indicated that Sub1A gene restricted photosynthesis and stem elongation and leaf area in the tolerant genotype M202 (Sub1) during submergence but increased the rate of photosynthesis and dry matter accumulation after de-submergence.

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